First Stop: Self Awareness

Only those who face their blind spots and get to work improving themselves become successful in this world. (Unless you can pull this off  and still win Grammy’s. Start at the 45-second mark. Only if you have 15 seconds to spare and you need a laugh.)

Self-awareness precedes personal development but it doesn’t come naturally. If you’re looking to step up your game--maybe score a promotion or become a stronger leader--here’s how. 

I’m listening.
It’s hard to fix something if you don’t understand how it’s broken. Self-awareness is paramount but we like to avoid that which we dislike about ourselves. 

So why bother?
The strongest leaders have an acute understanding of their habits, strengths, self-talk and so on. Self-awareness benefits us because:

  • It identifies unhelpful emotional triggers

  • It prevents reactive behaviour

  • It leads to effective communication and conflict resolution

  • It helps them channel strengths with confidence

If you’re willing to face your flaws, you’ll know how to focus on your biggest blind spots. 

How do I become a master of self-awareness?
Introspection. Confront your inner dialogue, core beliefs, and subconscious motivations. 

What do you suggest?

  • Work on becoming a good listener. Tuning into others will eventually help you tune into yourself.

  • Journal as you go. Look back later and see how far you’ve come.

  • Seek objective opinions. Here’s where you eat humble pie. Go on. It’s worth it.

Remember—the things you discover about yourself are not flaws per se; they are opportunities for growth. Have at ‘er.

FOR THE NERDY: Self-Awareness 101